
What Is Your Commitment To Customer Service?

What is your commitment to customer service? First, you need to decide what your values are. Small businesses don't necessarily need to create a grand mission statement but they can choose a vision statement. Ask what the value add of your service or product is and then write it down. Formalize your customer service process,

What Is Your Commitment To Customer Service?2018-12-31T17:21:51-06:00

What is your New Year’s Business Plan? 

Knowledge is Power but Knowledge alone will not produce Results. Execution is a Fundamental Key Component of producing Results. Combining Knowledge and Execution Creates Business Success. So how do we execute effectively? The answer: Create an implementation process. Create goals and strategies to meet those goals. Identify tasks under each strategy with an owner and

What is your New Year’s Business Plan? 2019-01-07T13:51:52-06:00